Everyone that may have once looked at this blog I want to let you know that soon it will be deleted. If you need the pattern for the quilt along email me and I will be happy to give it to you.
Please, please, please come visit me on my new blog! I'm very excited about this blog! Me and a friend are doing it together so you will get fun projects from both of us! Check us out! We would love you to join along in our fun sewing adventures! You can find us at... http://sewgoodlookin.blogspot.com !!!
How Wonderful Life is.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Quilt Along: Step # 5 & 6
Sew your stack of C pieces, there should be 20, sew them on to your existing block. Mine is
the blue with large flower prints on it.
Step 6
For some reason I forget to get a picture of this step but it is really simple. Take your last stack of pieces, these should be D and the longest pieces. Sew them on the block to finish it off and create a square. You are done with your blocks!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Quilt Along: Step # 4
Here is our next step everyone. We are adding one more piece to our blocks. In the block below it is the green strip. The important part about this step is to sew each piece in the same exact way. Make sure that when you sew it on the botton all three A pieces are horizontal and the one vertical piece is on the right side. Make sure to do this the same on everyone.

Enjoy, I hope you like going at your own pace. Also feel free to send me pictures as you go, I would love to see how they are looking.
Happy Quilting everyone!
Quilt Along: Step # 3
Because it has been WAY longer than a week from now on I will post the rest of the of the posts in steps. Also because it has been so long I will post smaller and easier steps and you can do as much or as little as you have time for that day.
So for this step you will take your 20 blocks you have sews so far. They should be made of 3 A pieces and pressed nicely.
Now you will take the next 20 A pieces you have set aside. If you look back to the last post you will see the block pattern. You will be sewing the A pieces on to your small blocks like shown. Make sure to press. When done with this step your blocks will look like this.
Happy Quilting
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Running Behind
I'm so sorry that I have not been good about keeping up with our wonderful quilt along. With a week long trip to hawaii (where I got some amazing fabric by the way) and moving and starting college, it has been close to impossible to keep up to date with the blog. I hope to bring my sewing machine down to college next week and then we'll be back on track. Until then enjoy your break and the end of your great summer!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Quilt Along {week 2}
I'm so very sorry that it has been more than just a week, but look on the good side you've had more time to cut out your fabric. Now we can get into the fun stuff.
This week we will be sewing just the highlighted part below.
This quilt is made up of 20 blocks each block looks like this...
We will only be using A pieces this week. You can set aside your B, C, and D pieces until next week. You also won't be using all of your A pieces, you will only use 60 the other 20 will also be set aside for next week.
Take 3 A pieces. Sew together using a 1/4'' seem allowence. Use the image above for your guide on how to sew these 3 pieces. It should end up looking like this.
Press your seems toward the darker color. Now repeat this until you have 20 small squares, each made with 3 different A pieces.
You are done for this week,
Happy quilting!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Quilt Along {week 1}
I hope you all have picked out your fabric and love it as much as I love mine. Next step: cutting.
Before we start take your backing fabric, Border #1, and Border #3 fabrics and set them aside we won't be using these fabrics for a while.
Step #2
I'm not going to lie cutting these pieces out is not the quickest or easiest task but I'll try to help and make my instructions as easy as possible.
Everyone take out your cutting supplies and get ready to cut!
Take your 8 pieces measuring 3/8 yard and cut strips that are 2-1/2 inches by the length of the fabric, should be close to 45''. You should get 5 strips out of each fabric piece. 40 pieces total.
Take your pile of 40 fabric strips and separate them into 2 piles of 20. Make sure you have a good mixture of different fabrics in each pile.
Step #3
For this quilt you will need 4 different size pieces.
A: 2-1/2'' x 6-1/2''
Again set your scraps aside we will need them later.
Happy Quilting!!
B: 2-1/2'' x 8-1/2''
C: 2-1/2'' x 8-1/2''
D: 2-1/2'' x 10-1/2''
From the first 20 strips start cutting one of each size piece, one A, B, C, and D out of each stirp.
Now with the next 20 strips cut one B and C, and 3 A's from each strip
Thats it! Not to bad for the first week! Have fun cutting and check back soon for our first week of sewing!!!!
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